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Showing most liked content on 04/15/2017 in Posts

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    If you are fishing dries you can't go wrong with grey dusters, cdc f flies and any kind of olives....size 16's usually do the business for me and if the fish are fussy I will sometimes go down to size 18 and then 20. If the fish aren't rising I will usually try hares ears, pheasant tail nymphs and polish nymphs, sometimes with an invicta or silver march brown on a dropper, and I personally wouldn't use anything bigger than a 9ft 5wt rod on the Almond.....At present I am using a 9ft 4wt and will likely go down to a 3wt if the wind drops....the lighter the better as the Almond trout are very easily spooked. I use a 9ft 7lb tapered leader and attach around 4 or 5ft of 3lb flurocarbon to that with a 2mm leader ring. As far as the different Beats go it is probably better to fish Beat 3 just now if you want to try it as come the end of June, access to the water can be very difficult due to the vegetation on the bank which grows very high and thick. Beat 3 has some very big brownies and in my opinion is very good dry fly water. The lower Beats are relatively easier for access and can also produce some big fish but they can be busy with dog walkers. Lower beat 2 can be especially busy with kids in the summer holidays. Lower Beat 1 ...below Fair a Far Weir.. is where you have most chance of catching a salmon or sea trout but be prepared for an audience if you catch anything !!.....Teal Blue & Silver, Silver March Brown or Peter Ross for them usually work. Hope this helps guys.